Naming your tracks

Giving your tracks the right name is very important when you give out your songs to a mixer. In one way it is quite easy, when you record your material, you need to give your track a name in your respective DAW and in general if you look up the files in your file browser, the files will have the same name you gave them in your DAW. But sometimes you have 2 tracks or files for the same instrument, this happens for 2 reasons, for different coloration/reverb/stereo image/natural reverb or when you are using the same instrument for overdubs.

Sometimes your DAW will add the track number to the file in the same order as the tracks were organized in your DAW. If this is not the case you can change the names of your files in your file browser.

Everybody has his or her own way of organizing tracks, but by numbering your tracks it's easier to group the tracks per instrument when we load your tracks in our DAW and then we can change the order of things to our convenience.


Track Nr Track Name Comments
01 Kick in Mic B91
02 Kick Out Mic B52
03 Kick Front Mic MD421
04 Snare Top Mic SM 75
05 Snare Top Condenser Mic B 181 cardioid
06 Snare Bottom Mic B57
07 Hi Tom Mic MD421
08 Lo Tom Mic MD421
09 Floor Tom Mic RE20
10 Overhead L Mic AKG 414 Left from audience point of view
11 Overhead R Mic AKG 414 Right from audience point of view
12 Drums Room Mic L Mic B 181
13 Drums Room Mic R Mic B 181
14 Bass Di Gascooker
15 Bass Amp 1 Mic SM 57
16 Bass Amp 2  Mic RE20
17 Bass Di Intro Gascooker (only intro)
18 Bass Amp 1 Intro Mic SM 57 (only intro)
19 Bass Amp 2 Intro Mic RE20 (only intro)
20 Electric Guitar 1 Fender Mic AE3000 on Fender Bassman Amp Lead
21 Electric Guitar 1 Mesab Mic AE3000 on Mesaboogie Amp Lead
22 Electric Guitar 1 Room Mic B 181 Lead
23 Electric Guitar 2 Marshl Mic SM 57 on Marshall Amp Rhythm
24 Electric Guitar 2 Room Mic B 181 Rhythm
25 Electric Guitar Chorus Mic AE 3000 Fills during chorus
26 Electric Guitar Solo Mic AE3000 Solo Overdub
27 Acoustic Guitar Di Goldmic Preamp Rhythm
28 Acoustic Guitar Mic Mic AKG 414 Rhythm
29 Acoustic Guitar Room Mic B 181
30 Backing Vocal 1 Mic AE 3000 Female 2th verse
31 Backing Vocal 2 Mic AE 3000 Female all chorus, 3th verse
32 Backing Vocal Chorus Mic AKG 414 Male only chorus
33 Lead Vocal Chorus Mic Babybottle only chorus
34 Lead Vocal Verse Mic 520DX only verse
35 Vocal Overdub Chorus Mic AKG 414 Lead chorus overdub
36 Vocal Overdub Verse Mic AKG 414 Lead chorus overdub